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Technical Analysis of CryptNet Ransomware

Key Points CryptNet is a new ransomware-as-a-service that has been advertised in underground forums since at least April 2023 The CryptNet threat group claims to perform double extortion attacks by combining data exfiltration with file encryption The ransomware code is written in the .NET programming language CryptNet uses 256-bit AES in CBC mode and 2048-bit RSA to encrypt files The CryptNet ransomware codebase is closely related to Chaos ransomware Zscaler ThreatLabz has been tracking a new ransomware group known as CryptNet that emerged in April 2023. The group claims to exfiltrate data prior to performing file encryption and hosts a data leak site hosted on a Tor hidden service that currently contains two victims. The group operating the ransomware is also actively recruiting affiliates on criminal forums to conduct breaches. The CryptNet ransomware code is written in .NET and obfuscated using .NET Reactor. After removing the obfuscation layer, CryptNet shares many resemblances to the Chaos ransomware families and the latest variant that is known as Yashma. The code similarities include the encryption methods, capabilities to disable backup services and delete shadow copies. CryptNet appears to have streamlined the Yashma code to improve the file encryption performance. In this blog, we will analyze the features of CryptNet and the close relationship with Yashma ransomware. Technical Analysis Obfuscation The CryptNet sample analyzed by ThreatLabz was obfuscated using Eziriz's .NET Reactor. The tool NetReactorSlayer is easily able to remove the control flow and symbols obfuscation layers, but the ransomware’s important strings remain obfuscated in a resource section, which is encrypted using a custom algorithm as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Example CryptNet string decryption algorithm ThreatLabz has reimplemented this custom encryption algorithm in Python here. After decryption, the strings are stored sequentially with each string preceded by a DWORD value (in little endian) representing its size (in red) as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Decrypted .NET Reactor strings data structure CryptNet then accesses each string by an offset into this structure. Decryption ID One of the first actions taken by the ransomware is to generate a decryption ID that will be added to the ransom note as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. CryptNet decryption ID generation The decryption ID is composed of two hardcoded characters followed by 28 pseudorandom characters followed by two more hardcoded characters. Therefore, every encrypted system will have a unique decryption ID, although the victim can be determined by the hardcoded prefix and suffix characters. File Encryption After the victim ID is generated, the ransomware will start the main encryption routine as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Main CryptNet encryption routine CryptNet will first loop through all directories for each drive letter, excluding those shown in Table 1. windows.old windows.old.old amd nvidia program files program files (x86) windows $recycle.bin documents and settings intel perflogs programdata boot games msocach Table 1. Directories excluded by CryptNet from file encryption The following file names in Table 2 are also excluded from file encryption. iconcache.db autorun.inf thumbs.db boot.ini bootfont.bin ntuser.ini bootmgr bootmgr.efi bootmgfw.efi desktop.ini ntuser.dat Table 2. File names excluded by CryptNet from file encryption CryptNet will encrypt all files that match the following extensions in Table 3. .myd .ndf .qry .sdb .sdf .tmd .tgz .lzo .txt .jar .dat .contact .settings .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx .odt .jpg .mka .mhtml .oqy .png .csv .py .sql .indd .cs .mp3 .mp4 .dwg .zip .rar .mov .rtf .bmp .mkv .avi .apk .lnk .dib .dic .dif .mdb .php .asp .aspx .html .htm .xml .psd .pdf .xla .cub .dae .divx .iso .7zip .pdb .ico .pas .db .wmv .swf .cer .bak .backup .accdb .bay .p7c .exif .vss .raw .m4a .wma .ace .arj .bz2 .cab .gzip .lzh .tar .jpeg .xz .mpeg .torrent .mpg .core .flv .sie .sum .ibank .wallet .css .js .rb .crt .xlsm .xlsb .7z .cpp .java .jpe .ini .blob .wps .docm .wav .3gp .gif .log .gz .config .vb .m1v .sln .pst .obj .xlam .djvu .inc .cvs .dbf .tbi .wpd .dot .dotx .webm .m4v .amv .m4p .svg .ods .bk .vdi .vmdk .onepkg .accde .jsp .json .xltx .vsdx .uxdc .udl .3ds .3fr .3g2 .accda .accdc .accdw .adp .ai .ai3 .ai4 .ai5 .ai6 .ai7 .ai8 .arw .ascx .asm .asmx .avs .bin .cfm .dbx .dcm .dcr .pict .rgbe .dwt .f4v .exr .kwm .max .mda .mde .mdf .mdw .mht .mpv .msg .myi .nef .odc .geo .swift .odm .odp .oft .orf .pfx .p12 .pl .pls .safe .tab .vbs .xlk .xlm .xlt .xltm .svgz .slk .tar.gz .dmg .ps .psb .tif .rss .key .vob .epsp .dc3 .iff .opt .onetoc2 .nrw .pptm .potx .potm .pot .xlw .xps .xsd .xsf .xsl .kmz .accdr .stm .accdt .ppam .pps .ppsm .1cd .p7b .wdb .sqlite .sqlite3 .db-shm .db-wal .dacpac .zipx .lzma .z .tar.xz .pam .r3d .ova .1c .dt .c .vmx .xhtml .ckp .db3 .dbc .dbs .dbt .dbv .frm .mwb .mrg .txz .mrg .vbox .wmf .wim .xtp2 .xsn .xslt Table 3. File extensions encrypted by CryptNet Depending on the file size, the ransomware will encrypt parts of the file or the full file content. If the file is less than 512KB in size, CryptNet will encrypt the full file. Otherwise, the code will encrypt just the first 128KB of data from the beginning, middle and end of the file as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. CryptNet encryption algorithm for large files The symmetric encryption algorithm used in both cases is AES in CBC mode with a pseudo randomly generated 32-byte key and 16-byte initialization vector (IV) per file. Each file’s AES key will be encrypted with a hardcoded 2,048-bit RSA key. The ransomware stores the RSA key as an encrypted string in XML format with the RSA modulus and exponent base64 encoded as shown below: <RSAKeyValue><Modulus>8TO8tQQRyFqQ0VShtSpLkDqtDVsrxS8SfdOsqRAj8mWF7sVoGzyZMcv501DF6iZUdKYsFDlaSMnuckG9+MJmD2ldZwU/0H6Xztkta1BkJWSO2qHg2JAGDp9ZsFGP1wDR9oRb1w7wtBe7Db3wf7q848+qKPWiTP/2R/jlR4evW73M65Jdo9uOzQnbmvw+blsloXeszuYlW2nCcwQ7WarzAK29UmM9ZHS0/lqzU0KHNU+DvyfGwmMJgtb2HN6GFGXq9Z0n3dNBCQVzdUl2G/7fLAMoFbJeExn5USZdFHr2ygheTilo/shmfq7tcPCZM8C4zqBtb0Nbct0f/M48+H920Q==</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue> The RSA encrypted AES key is then prepended to the encrypted file content. Ransom note and finishing actions During the encryption process, CryptNet will drop a ransom note with the name RESTORE-FILES-[9 random chars].txt containing the following text: *** CRYPTNET RANSOMWARE *** --- What happened? --- All of your files are encrypted and stolen. Stolen data will be published soon on our tor website. There is no way to recover your data and prevent data leakage without us Decryption is not possible without private key. Don't waste your and our time to recover your files. It is impossible without our help --- How to recover files & prevent leakage? --- To make sure that we REALLY CAN recover your data - we offer FREE DECRYPTION for warranty. We promise that you can recover all your files safely and prevent data leakage. We can do it! --- Contact Us--- Download Tor Browser - https://www.torproject.org/download/ and install it Open website: http://cryptr3fmuv4di5uiczofjuypopr63x2gltlsvhur2ump4ebru2xd3yd.onion Enter DECRYPTION ID: [DECRYPTION ID] CryptNet will then proceed to change the wallpaper and kill the following processes in Table 4. sqlwriter sqbcoreservice VirtualBoxVM sqlagent sqlbrowser sqlservr code steam zoolz agntsvc firefoxconfig infopath synctime VBoxSVC tbirdconfig thebat thebat64 isqlplussvc mydesktopservice mysqld ocssd onenote mspub mydesktopqos CNTAoSMgr Ntrtscan vmplayer oracle outlook powerpnt wps xfssvccon ProcessHacker dbeng50 dbsnmp encsvc excel tmlisten PccNTMon mysqld-nt mysqld-opt ocautoupds ocomm msaccess msftesql thunderbird visio winword wordpad mbamtray Table 4. Processes terminated by CryptNet Additionally, if the ransomware is run with administrator privileges, CryptNet will stop the list of services shown in Table 5. BackupExecAgentBrowser veeam VeeamDeploymentSvc PDVFSService BackupExecVSSProvider4 BackupExecAgentAccelerator svc AcrSch2Svc AcronisAgent Veeam.EndPoint.Service CASAD2DWebSvc CAARCUpdateSvc YooIT memtas sophos DefWatch ccEvtMgr SavRoam RTVscan QBFCService Intuit.QuickBooks.FCS YooBackup BackupExecRPCService MSSQLSERVER backup GxVss GxBlr GxFWD GxCVD GxCIMgr VeeamNFSSvc8 BackupExecDiveciMediaService SQLBrowser SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2008R2 SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012 VeeamDeploymentService BackupExecJobEngine Veeam.EndPoint.Tray6 BackupExecManagementService SQLAgent$SQL_2008 zhudongfangyu stc_raw_agent QBCFMonitorService VeeamTransportSvc VSNAPVSS$ Table 5. Services stopped by CryptNet CryptNet will also remove Windows shadow copies and then delete the backup catalog if the ransomware has administrator privileges. To perform those actions, the following commands are executed: vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet & wmic shadowcopy delete bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures & bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled no wbadmin delete catalog -quiet Victim Portal and Data Leak Site When a victim accesses the Tor hidden service in the ransom note, a login screen prompts the user to enter a decryption ID and solve a captcha as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. CryptNet victim ransom portal After the decryption ID is entered, the victim is presented with a timer and an option to test file decryption as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. CryptNet ransom portal with test decryption The portal also provides a chat feature to interact with the threat group and negotiate a ransom payment as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. CryptNet live chat support There is an automated message in the chat that provides a link to a “blog” site, where the CryptNet threat group publishes stolen data belonging to companies that have been breached as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. CryptNet data leak site The Chaos/Yashma link Similarities CryptNet is clearly using the same codebase as the Chaos and Yashma ransomware families with numerous similarities in the code. For example, Figure 10 shows a comparison between the main encryption routines of CryptNet and Yashma with the same structure, checks and control flow. Figure 10. Comparison of the Yashma (left) and CryptNet (right) main encryption routines The excluded folders and files are also very similar along with the file extensions that are targeted for encryption (provided in the Appendix). Both ransomware families also stop an extensive list of backup services and execute identical commands to delete shadow copies, disable recovery mode and delete the backup catalog as shown in Figure 11. Figure 11. Yashma (left) vs CryptNet (right) commands to disable backups Differencies When compared with Yashma, CryptNet lacks some features including a lack of persistence and language/country restrictions. In addition, CryptNet uses different techniques to encrypt files (based on size) and a different method for concurrency. These differences are likely performance-oriented to speed up the amount of time required to encrypt files. Yashma encrypts the full content of all files (which can take significant time for larger files), while CryptNet will only fully encrypt small files (< 512KB) and small parts of larger files. The concurrency implementation also differs between CryptNet and Yashma. The former uses a Parallel.For loop to iterate through each file, while CryptNet uses Tasks to process each directory as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12. Yashma (left) vs CryptNet (right) concurrency implementations The Tasks concurrency implementation is likely more suitable for file encryption operations. Conclusion CryptNet is a simple but effective ransomware that has taken the popular Chaos and Yashma codebase and increased the file encryption efficiency. The code is not particularly advanced, but the algorithms and implementation are cryptographically secure. They also claim to perform double extortion attacks, following an increasing trend that has been set by more advanced threat groups. Zscaler ThreatLabz continues to track this threat group and add detections to protect our customers. Cloud Sandbox In addition to sandbox detections, Zscaler’s multilayered cloud security platform detects indicators related to CryptNet at various levels with the following threat names: Win32.Ransom.CryptNet Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) SHA256 Description 2e37320ed43e99835caa1b851e963ebbf153f16cbe395f259bd2200d14c7b775 CryptNet ransomware Appendix Yashma excluded folders Program Files Program Files (x86) Windows $Recycle.Bin MSOCache Documents and Settings Intel PerfLogs Windows.old AMD NVIDIA ProgramData Yashma excluded files appdata\\local appdata\\locallow users\\all users \\ProgramData boot.ini bootfont.bin boot.ini iconcache.db ntuser.dat ntuser.dat.log ntuser.ini thumbs.db autorun.inf bootsect.bak bootmgfw.efi desktop.ini Yashma extensions to encrypt .txt .jar .dat .contact .settings .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx .odt .jpg .mka .mhtml .oqy .png .csv .py .sql .mdb .php .asp .aspx .html .htm .xml .psd .pdf .xla .cub .dae .indd .cs .mp3 .mp4 .dwg .zip .rar .mov .rtf .bmp .mkv .avi .apk .lnk .dib .dic .dif .divx .iso .7zip .ace .arj .bz2 .cab .gzip .lzh .tar .jpeg .xz .mpeg .torrent .mpg .core .pdb .ico .pas .db .wmv .swf .cer .bak .backup .accdb .bay .p7c .exif .vss .raw .m4a .wma .flv .sie .sum .ibank .wallet .css .js .rb .crt .xlsm .xlsb .7z .cpp .java .jpe .ini .blob .wps .docm .wav .3gp .webm .m4v .amv .m4p .svg .ods .bk .vdi .vmdk .onepkg .accde .jsp .json .gif .log .gz .config .vb .m1v .sln .pst .obj .xlam .djvu .inc .cvs .dbf .tbi .wpd .dot .dotx .xltx .pptm .potx .potm .pot .xlw .xps .xsd .xsf .xsl .kmz .accdr .stm .accdt .ppam .pps .ppsm .1cd .3ds .3fr .3g2 .accda .accdc .accdw .adp .ai .ai3 .ai4 .ai5 .ai6 .ai7 .ai8 .arw .ascx .asm .asmx .avs .bin .cfm .dbx .dcm .dcr .pict .rgbe .dwt .f4v .exr .kwm .max .mda .mde .mdf .mdw .mht .mpv .msg .myi .nef .odc .geo .swift .odm .odp .oft .orf .pfx .p12 .pl .pls .safe .tab .vbs .xlk .xlm .xlt .xltm .svgz .slk .tar.gz .dmg .ps .psb .tif .rss .key .vob .epsp .dc3 .iff .onepkg .onetoc2 .opt .p7b .pam .r3d .anom .exe

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